Last fall, a pair of Vergennes writers launched Zig Zag Lit Mag, a semiannual publication dedicated to lifting up the voices of Addison County writers. On March 28, they released their second issue with a party at the Vermont Book Shop in Middlebury. The small black-and-white book can be found at libraries around Addison County, and the content — poems, fiction, nonfiction and photos — is also available online. Both issues were published with the help of a Vermont Community Foundation grant. Coeditor in chief A. Jay Dubberly says this issue particularly lives up to Zig Zag's mission of including a wide range of voices. The adjunct professor, who teaches at the Community College of Vermont campuses in Rutland and Middlebury, says he's thinking about the future: developing a publishing house or going nonprofit to support the continued creation of the magazine. The second issue, like the first one, is 64 pages — but its dimensions are bigger. Additionally, the mag has a new section for a featured artist and author. This issue's artist is Andrew Knight, a freshman at Mount Abraham Union High School who edits his school's literary magazine. He created the cover art, a zigzagging arrangement of dinosaur-bone shapes that incorporates the name of the magazine. The featured author is Christina Caniyo of Vergennes, whose young-adult fantasy novel Death and the Underhouse will be published by 1st Ride Enterprises this year. "The whole point [of Zig Zag] is to put people like that together," Dubberly says, pointing to the spread that positions photos and descriptions from Knight next to Caniyo's text. "It's all the same; it's all writing," he continues. "This issue has writers from [ages] 16 to 76. We have chocolatiers, farmers, office assistants, professors, students [and] retirees. It's a true sample size of the artists within Addison County. Who's to say those people don't deserve celebration and publication?" The editor calls "Harvest Time" by Sarah McGrath, a photograph of a young girl holding a watermelon, one of the most interesting he's ever seen. A photograph by Zig Zag Lit Mag, A. Jay Dubberly, Andrew Knight, Christina Caniyo, Sarah McGrath, Deborah Felmeth, of Waltham tells a different harvest story. Two people who could be father and child recline on the grass, relaxed and proud, staring down at a spread of freshly caught fish. The image's soft focus lends to its appeal. Across the page is a short…